Saturday, August 31, 2019

Human Resources Specialist

Human Resources Manager in retaining its talents. T Company is a public utility firm which obtain 2,300 employees. The overall turnover rate In T Company is 5%; however, it is found that most of the leavers are from Customer Service Hotlist Department (â€Å"CASH†) which Its own turnover rate is 30% and 20% In 2010 and in 2009 respectively. Among the total number of leave within the hotlist department (33 employees out of 110 employees) 80% of the leavers were Generation Y.Since customer service is crucial for the success of T Company in terms of its profit and brand image, especially among the hotlist department which has a rack record in delivering trustworthy and outstanding services to the customers and distinguishing itself from its competitors, high turnover rate will definitely threatening the competitive edge of T Company. The Job responsibilities of a customer service officer is diverse and requiring lots of skills set, e. G. DOD communication and interpersonal skills , customer service skills, computer skills and product knowledge, thus it is reflected that the Job nature is generally stressful. Not only handling customer's enquiries on telephone, they have to handle complaints, help customer to register new user account and even selling reduces through phone call. More remarkably, they have to possess sufficient product knowledge and knowledge in handling of emergency cases e. G. Suspect of gas leakage, due to damage of the products. Heavy workload and stressful job nature may be one of the underlying cause of high turnover 2.Purpose of the Study The mall purpose of the study Is to examine the reason for high turnover rate In Generation Y group In the hotlist department In T Company. And base on the research findings, to advise possible solutions for the human resources manager to retain its employees, so as to uphold the service pledge in T Company for improving TTS organizational performance. 3. Importance of Problem I remover study Is regard as gallants In Don camel Ana managerial perspective. High turnover rate was detrimental in several aspects to the company e. G. Economic, staff morale, loss of intellectual asset, etc.Economically, it will increase the training and recruitment cost, while inadequate manpower brought about failure in meeting service standard, potential loss of business opportunities, which as a result decrease gross profit of the company. Besides, turnover may also bring about intangible negative impact, like, staff morale, customer service corruption, burnout/absenteeism among remaining employees, and the loss of institutional knowledge among experienced employees. (Mathis 2006) However, turnover could be beneficial to a company, which we regard it as functional turnover.For instance, when a weak performer is substituted by a more productive employee and when a senior retirement allows the promotion or acquisition of welcome ‘fresh blood' who may bring about synergies and new insights to the company. Yet, for the case of T Company, as supported by the figure of declining service standard and inadequate manpower bought by turnover, it is significant to advise Seibel retention method to the manager to tackle the problem of dysfunction turnover. Meanwhile, it is academically important, since lots of scholars had been doing research in finding out underlying causes of turnover.We may take this chance to understand and apply what we have read and learn from existing turnover model to real case. 4. Scope of the Review This research study enables the researchers to understand and analyze various reasons for turnover in the organization. This report provides enough scope to know about the characteristics of Generation Y people. It also facilitates to understand the activities and performances of the Generation Y employees in the organization. Various theories and models related to the turnover have been explained which will enhance the researcher's knowledge about the subject.T he research method has been properly designed to analyze the overall cause, outcome and steps of the organization to control it. This research study enables the researchers to gain knowledge about the research methods which may be beneficial in future research work. 5. Literature Review Researches done be scholars related to of turnover are reviewed in this part. For instance, the study of Generation Y turnover, Organizational Commitment and Job satisfaction which relate with employee turnover. I remover Introduction Turnover occurs due to the decisions of both company and the employer.The reallocation of Job is due to devastation and creation of Jobs across industries. The creation and devastation of Job rates as a directory of labor market have been used by â€Å"Organization for Economic Corporation and Development†. In a well-organized economy Job reallocation is highly important because it is related to the career of the individuals. An employee, who has been displaced a fter long term, suffers a lot from getting a Job or a permanent earning (Lane, 2000). Organization make different management decisions in setting an employment contract because there are different costs associated with hiring and firing employees.Various costs are associated with hiring process. These costs generally differ depending on the type of employee and the nature of the production processes. Turnover rate has been raised widely with the economy as the turnover is high in service sector than manufacturing sector. The attachment level of the Job is pended on various types of employees. Thus, the ‘quit level' also varies considerably. Turnover is also termed as the combined decision taken by the employee and the employer or the firm. Consequently, less educated employees who are engaged in Job have high turnover with comparatively less working experiences (Lane, 2000).The extent of turnover is determined in two ways. First is the employee based survey and the second is t he employer based survey. Employee based survey denotes the number of Jobs a employee have had within a definite time period. Employer based revere is the records of administration to examine the number of employees who has left or need to be hired. According to â€Å"Survey of Income and Program Participation† data, it has been estimated that average monthly turnover rate in 1991, in US was 7. 1%. Turnover rate varies depending on the age, sex, industry and skill.Manufacturing organization faces lower turnover rate than the service industry. A new firm may also experience high turnover due to low wages to the employees (Aerospace, 1997). According to Burblers, until 2006 over 1. 2 million cashier Jobs was available, but out of only 1 Job was available and others were turnover. On the other hand, out of 6. 5 million Jobs opening as low skilled work, only 1 million were new Jobs (Lane, 2000). Turnover varies according to the level of industry. The rate of turnover is highest i n retail and construction industry whereas lowest in manufacturing, administration, real estate along with finance.In retail and professional services out of 5 Jobs, 1 Job is available and the rest is employee based turnover. For new and small organization turnover rate is high. On the other hand, rate is low for large and older employers. Thus, differences of employers results in significant proposition for the employment of low income employees. High turnover firms have numbers of Job openings than low turnover firms (Lane, 2000). I en rate AT turnover Is comparatively enlarger In young employees tan ten 010 ones. Adult men with education only from high school changes Job frequently at a level of 40% higher than the college educated one.In 1997, Henry S. Barber stated that former mobility is a good forecaster of leaving the new Job. In 1996, one out of four employees with high school education lasted in a Job for less than a year after having Ewing compared with six numbers of col lege educated employees. The forecasted term period of Job is a vital determinant of decisions in training (Faber, 1997). Turnover Rate and Vacancy Rate of Hong Kong According to the First Quarter 2010 Survey of Manpower Statistics from Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (â€Å"HOKIER), the turnover rate for the first quarter of 2010 was 2. 54%, 0. 5 percentage point higher than the fourth quarter of 2009 which was 2. 29%. Compared with the same period in 2009, it can be analyzed that the turnover rate is 0. 98 percentage point higher. Consequences of Turnover The highest turnover of Job in firm has no direct influence on the survival of the firm. When the turnover rate is high the employers are more likely feel the consequence of such a scenario. It can be examined that as the turnover rate of firm is high, there are less expectation to invest in training and human capital. There is less employees to transfer the specific knowledge of firm and offer fewer fringe bene fits.The change in Job leads to the suffering of the unskilled employees for a longer time. The less earning also makes them to suffer unemployment. The loss of work time embodied with lost skills result in unemployment. For skilled employees it leads to a reduction of skills pushing previously high-wage employees into the low-wage unskilled group. As the cause of the turnover is Job loss, employees have less chance of employment, advanced prospects of part-time work and lower earnings. These costs are higher for the least-educated employees. The earning which is lost from the dislocation is rather large and determined.After the several years of dislocation the estimation ranges from 10 to 25 percent. The results on the growth of wage along with the wage levels are of vital significance. Another outcome of higher turnover probability is reduced training, which may bring in flatter earnings. Thus, it has been observed that new Jobs have less benefit such as fringe benefits and other health insurances (Lane, 2000). The rate of high turnover is found where there is less unemployment and also in the place where people can be secured from the alternative employment.It has been found that the turnover rate is highest among service industry. The rates of turnover have lessened in the previous couple of years in demanding economic situation (CHIP, 2010). Theories and Concepts What is Motivation? Motivation is a reason for doing something and motivation is concerned with the factors that influence people to behave in certain ways (Armstrong 2007). Arnold et al (III cleat In Armstrong ) suggested tense components motivation . Nines are Direction – What a person is trying to do; Effort – how hard a person is trying; and Persistence – how long a person keeps on trying.With vast amounts of research and theories on motivation, it is often difficult to define a universally accepted definition. However, what is widely established is that motivational theo ries are concerned with he way people behave in a certain way, with a basic underlying question of â€Å"why do people do what they do? † In general terms, motivation can be described as † the direction and persistence of action† (Mulling, 2005). Intrinsic Vs. Extrinsic Herbert suggested that there are two different sets of factors affecting motivation and work, which he identified as ‘hygiene' and ‘motivator' factors.Hygiene factors included status, salary, environment, Job security and policy, and related to Job context. They are mainly concerned with Job environment and are extrinsic to the Job itself (Mullions 2005). These factors do not necessary give positive satisfaction but dissatisfaction would be predominant if they were absent. On the other hand, motivator factors – which are separate from hygiene factors – are related to the content of the work itself and these include being challenged, receiving recognition, gaining responsib ility, achievements and many other intrinsic aspects of the Job role.Mullions (2005) comments: † The strength of these factors will affect feelings of satisfaction or no satisfaction, but not dissatisfaction. † Herrings theory is more directed and applicable to the workplace and provides a better understanding of titivation factors when compared to Mascots Hierarchy of Needs Theory. However, Herrings theory has also been criticized for its application. Its critics claim that this model applies to people with largely unskilled Jobs or those with a less challenging and repetitive role, and lack of context.Also, different situations will affect one's motivational and hygiene factors. Broom 1964 Expectancy Model Expectancy theory aims to explain and predict individual behaviors in motivation. The theory explains how individuals assess the probable outcomes of behaviors and place values on these outcomes. Broom's model is based on three key variables: valence (the attractiven ess of, or preference for, a particular outcome), instrumentality (the perceived probability that behavior will lead to a reward) and expectancy (the perceived probability that effort will result in obtaining the reward) (Mullions, 2005).It is also about expectations and the possible dangers of misconception and misjudgment in anticipation for a reward that does not get delivered for the performance and effort made, which can cause dissatisfaction. Mullions (2005) also suggests that this theory goes beyond feelings of satisfaction individual gains when the task is completed buy the feeling of anticipation in gaining satisfaction. Expectancy theory further assumes that behavior is rational, and that we are conscious of our motives.This model offers to explain why people leave; if individuals feel that their effort is not awarded or reflected in some reward as they expected to receive then they will feel dissatisfied and denominated and therefore consider leaving. Subsequently, it is important for organizations to manage Analgesia's expectation Ana Tanat positive Demeanor Is acknowledge w ten n re It Is non- financial or financial. Managing expectations – Psychological Contract The psychological contract goes beyond any motivation theory and suggests a possible explanation of a more long term theory of why employee may choose to stay or leave an organization.Professor David Guest defined the psychological contract as â€Å"the perceptions of the two parties – employee and employer – of what their mutual obligations are towards each other† (CHIP, 2008) Arnold et al (2005) further identify that the psychological contract is â€Å"an individual employee's beliefs about the right and obligations of both sides in the employment relationship. † These obligations mess as promises or expectations can be vague. However, Mullions (2005) offers possible expectations that employees may have of the organization.These include providing a saf e and hygienic working environment, Job security, respect, provisions of challenging and satisfying Jobs, training and development, and rewarding all employee fairly according to their contributions and performance. These expectations are somewhat similar to Herrings two factor theory. As the psychological contract is a reciprocal â€Å"agreement†, employers will expect employees to work hard, sustain company reputation, show loyalty to the organization, be legible and be honest (CHIP 2008).Mullions (2005) further proposes that employer will expect employees to adhere to the rules, policies and procedure of the organization and maintain amicable relationship with colleagues. When the psychological contract is positive, employee commitment and satisfaction will increase thus having a positive impact on individual performance (Armstrong 2007). Similar to motivation, the psychological contract may also reveal denominating factors. When the psychological contract is breached I. E . Here employees believe that the organization have broken promises or failed to deliver on their expectations, employees will show clear signs of dissatisfaction, thus have a negative effect on Job satisfaction and commitment. It is unlikely that all expectation of the employee or of the employer will be met fully by employer must at least attempt to fulfill some expectations, otherwise employees may seek an alternative psychological contract with another organization. Organizational Commitment Theory Organizational commitment is playing a vital role in the study of organizational behavior.There is a great relationship between the organizational commitment along with behavior and attitude in the workplace of the organization. According to Bateman and Stresses, â€Å"organizational commitment is multidimensional in nature involving an employee's loyalty to the organization, willingness to exert effort on behalf of the organization, degree of goal and value congruency with the organ ization, and desire to maintain membership† (San Francisco State University, n. D. ). The empirical research study has shown that organizational commitment is an Important Interpreter AT turnover.According to Dalton, lord Ana Crankiest In 1 there were two types of turnover, which are dysfunctional turnover and functional turnover. From the viewpoint of organization, dysfunctional turnover takes place when an employee willing to quit the Job and there is positive evaluation to organization. Functional turnover occurs when an employee leaves Job on their own discretion but there is negative organization's evaluation of the employee (Blab & Bola, 1987). Price-Mueller Model, the model of voluntary and involuntary turnover has been described.Involuntary turnover generally takes place where the employee has no choice in their termination, such as long term sickness, death, or employer-initiated termination. Voluntary turnover occurs by the willingness of the employees. According to the opinion of Price, economic model also can explain the reason of turnover. The economists have proposed that the maximum sum of monetary income as a determinant has led to less turnover. Increase money may decrease turnover by increasing the Job satisfaction of the employees (Griffith & Homo, 2010). This model is illustrated along with a diagram provided below.The four exogenous variables in this model are: primary group, pay, communication and centralization. Pay is considered as a monetary income of the employees. It cannot be an important determinant unless it is valuable to the employees. The second is the participation in a primary group. Communication means transfer of information within organization. Centralization is the distribution of power within an organization (Griffith & Horn, 2010). Pay is generally important for the employees and is highly prioritize. High centralization leads to high turnover.The two variables of this model are Job satisfaction and opportunity. B oth of these variables have a different impact on turnover. Job satisfaction has positive impact towards organization. Opportunity refers to number of Jobs in the organization (Griffith & Homo, 2010). The exogenous variable can affect the Job satisfaction and dissatisfaction of employee. When the number of Jobs are increase in the market, there is an positive impact of turnover. The factor of opportunity also possess an effect on turnover. When there is plenty of Job in the market, it has positive impact in turnover intention (Griffith & Homo, 2010).High Turnover Rate of Generation Y People in workplace Generation Y is a group of individuals who have been born between the year 1982- 2000 (Cringle, n. D. ). Generation Y are different from other groups of people. Generation Y people are usually influenced by pragmatism and peers (Cringle, n. . ). This group of people desire for the relations beyond friendship and want understanding along with respectful community. This generation grou p also wants guidance in the form of a navigator (Cringle, n. D. ). This generation people work for living but they do not survive for work.Their communication style is also different from other generations of people. Generation Y people are advanced technology and are access to all the sophisticated technology (Cringle, n. D. ). I en companies nave Take tremendous generalness In order to attract Ana retain Generation Y people. This group of people has a shorter time period in the organization which lasts from 2-5 years (Sandusky & Freer-Reed, 2009). As a result companies bear losses from the huge turnover of this generation. Generation Y are fast and they enjoy challenging and they desire to have innovative style in their Job. They need quick promotion.Thus, if they get bored of the Job, they will quit the Job (Sandusky & Freer-Reed, 2009). They are not loyal to their employers, but they are loyal to their peers and managers (Sandusky & Freer-Reed, 2009). They may leave the over bu rden Job in order to maintain their personal and professional life. Generation Y people want freedom in the workplace. The latest technological equipments in the workplace can fulfill their desires. Apart from advanced technology, they are interested in the companies where can inspire them to grow and provide them with technological resources for self development (Sandusky & Freer-Reed, 2009).Before they get hired by the company they want to know their Job responsibilities and career path. According to KEY Group research team in 2008, 1020 respondents of Gene Y have provided prior preference to the health benefits provided in the organization. This benefit is followed by salary, work-life balance and rumination prospects (Sandusky & Freer-Reed, 2009). They prefer performance appraisal frequently because they want to know their work feedback and want to make correction if required. This will help them to make improvement rapidly (Sandusky & Freer-Reed, 2009).Generation Y people are f riendly in nature and provide preference to maintain relationship within the organization. They build both social and professional relationship with peers (Robert Half International, 2008). 6. Qualitative Methodology: Reasons of Choosing Qualitative Research and Data Source Qualitative research methodology is a descriptive research process. This type of research method produces in depth interview and collects broad information regarding the subject. The information includes broad understanding of the whole situation. This kind of research method helps the investigator to collect the total picture of the research.The detailed information related to the research are collected which enables the researchers to analyze the problem in detail related to the findings (Key, 1997). Qualitative research helps to build new theories and search for new research areas. This method enables the researchers to deal with valuable questions that are squired in the research process (Oklahoma State Unive rsity, 2011). Qualitative research work also prefers open-ended questions than close-ended questions as it describes the details of the questions to be asked to the respondents.The broad concept of information can be collected from the respondents. In this research work qualitative research process has catered importance as it will enable the researchers to recognize and examine the details of the problems and issues related to ten project work. I en qualitative research work provokes Drama concept and knowledge about the research topics. The sources selected for the research work are the former employees, current employees, supervisors and the Human Resources Manager of T Company. The demography details have also been collected but these are kept confidential.Besides questionnaires and interviews, data is also be collected from the organizational chart of T Company which turnover figure and number of vacancy are highlighted. From this point, turnover of employees in the Hotlist Dep artment can be analyzed. 7. Rationale Used For Selecting the Sources to Analyze For analyzing the overall causes and outcomes of high turnover rate among Generation Y employees in T Company, rationale has been selected by the company. The former employees have been chosen to analyze their reasons for leaving.The contact details of former employees are provided by the Human Resources Department. The opinions of current Generation Y employees have been taken into consideration in order to understand their expectation and the turnover intention of the employees. The main reason for turnover in this period was due to uncompetitive benefits and lack of career development opportunities. Therefore, the company is failed to meet the requirement of their employees. Supervisors are selected to understand the reason of high turnover rate among the Generation Y employees in their point of views.They are analyzed to examine the causes and outcomes of high turnover. Human Resource Manager has bee n interviewed to understand the retention strategies of T Company. 8. Data Collection Procedures Qualitative data collection procedure plays a significant role in providing information for understanding the process behind observed result. It also assesses changes in the perception of people. However, the data collection process used in the qualitative search method is time consuming and act as a constraint to the research paper (University of Wisconsin-AAU Claire, 2005).In order to collect data for high turnover rate in T Company, four rationales had been chosen from the company. Five numbers of former employees had been chosen, thirty current employees, three supervisors and one Human Resources Manager were selected as respondents. Separate questionnaire consisting of five questions had been provided to current employees. In the questionnaire, demographic information consisting of age, gender, marital status; education level and tenure were collected from each of them through e-mai l. Data collected from former employees by phone interview.While for supervisors and Human Resources Manager, the data is collected by face-to-face interview. The questionnaires are nana over to can Dormer Ana present employee, supervisors Ana Human Resources Department through e-mail. The response of the employees, supervisors and Human Resources Manager are observed properly through which various information of the company. 9. Data Analysis Qualitative data analysis is a simple process. The analysis was commenced after collecting all the data from former employees, current employees, supervisors andHuman Resources Manager. Observation The information can be collected through observing members of the company and from the organizational chart in which the annual turnover rate has been mentioned. It has been observed that the company is facing a problem of high turnover rate of Generation Y employees from the last few years. Human Resources Department is implementing various strategi es in order to retain employees. For example, training programs are conducted in order to upgrade their communication skills as well as providing growth opportunities to them.

Health and Hygiene Essay

The word technology refers to the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a preexisting solution to a problem, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation or perform a specific function. It can also refer to the collection of such tools, including machinery, modifications, arrangements and procedures. Technologies significantly affect human as well as other animal species’ ability to control and adapt to their natural environments. The term can either be applied generally or to specific areas: examples include construction technology, medical technology, and information technology. The prehistorical discovery of the ability to control fire increased the available sources of food and the invention of the wheel helped humans in travelling in and controlling their environment. Recent technological developments, including the printing press, the telephone, and the Internet, have lessened physical barriers to communication and allowed humans to interact freely on a global scale. In many societies, technology has helped develop more advanced economies (including today’s global economy) and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products, known as pollution, and deplete natural resources, to the detriment of the Planet Earth and its environment. The distinction between science, engineering and technology is not always clear. Science is the reasoned investigation or study of phenomena, aimed at discovering enduring principles among elements of the phenomenal world by employing formal techniques such as the scientific method. Technologies are not usually exclusively products of science, because they have to satisfy requirements such as utility, usability and safety. The 20th century brought a host of innovations. In physics, the discovery of nuclear fission has led to both nuclear weapons and nuclear power. Through our modern day miracles of science we are able to appreciate that which is truly an incredible era of advanced erudition and self-sufficiency. Because of the advantages of modern day technology, we are allowed the unique benefit of looking back on what was and comparing it with what is and what could be. Technology is no longer seen as a barrier, but as a breakthrough. Bringing fresh insight and offering better jobs to those who are willing to take a step towards the future. .

Friday, August 30, 2019

Aztec religion Essay

The U. S has the highest murder rate of any industrialized country in the world. Does this surprise you? Well, although it is a fact, and most people would think this is unethical. This should also be true for Aztec society. Which deserves the Greater Emphasis? Human Sacrifice, or Aztec Agriculture? I believe historians should focus more on human sacrifice because, even though the Aztecs were resourceful and well organized in agriculture, they were barbaric when it came to human sacrifice. They killed off 2,300 men who were prisoners of war (Doc.D). We have to take into consideration that these sacrifices had families and lives and people who cared about them that were cruelly ripped away from them. The Aztecs could’ve showed the love and dedication for their gods another less violent way. What the Aztec did to the sacrifices was in-humane. When they killed the sacrifices, they would rip of their hearts, throw the hearts to the shrine dedicated to the gods and let the dead bodies roll down the temple steps bathed in its own blood. Even though other groups of people did human sacrifice, the Aztec were ruthless and held no remorse for their victims. Aztecs sometimes just went to war with another group of people just to capture people and make them sacrifices, called â€Å"flower wars† (Doc. D). What the Aztec did was just horrible and I think historians should focus more on human sacrifice than agriculture. There was a humungous scale of sacrifices, as well as spiritual importance, and they surprisingly didn’t kill these people with evil eyes or hatred. The Aztecs hade feeling toward sacrifices. The Aztec sacrificed a huge scale of people! In one day they would sacrifice 2,300 prisoners (Doc. D). That is the same population of an average school! Not only did they sacrifice so much of population, they also gave up resources and the best people to sacrifice! If this wasn’t a factor, could you imagine how much more advanced the Aztec agriculture could become?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Understanding text as it is meant to be Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Understanding text as it is meant to be - Essay Example When trying to maneuver through such information, an important issue that arises comes down to a fundamental idea. That is, the question of where exactly the meaning of the subject matter lies within.The written word is one of the most beautiful things ever to be created.Beauty that can differ.In terms of biblical interpretation, a common term to come about in research is that of Hermeneutics. "It is more broadly used contemporary philosophy to denote the study of theories and methods of the interpretation of all texts and systems of meaning.Is it with the author, within the text body, or is it something that actually lies within the reader themselves through their individual understanding and interpretation of what it is they are trying to read and learn about in the first place. The concept of "text" is here extended beyond written documents to any number of objects subject to interpretation, such as experiences. A hermeneutic is also defined as a specific system or method for inte rpretation, or a specific theory of interpretation. However, the contemporary philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer has said that has said that hermeneutics is an approach rather than a method and, further, that the Hermeneutic circle is the central problem of interpretation," Going on to say that, "Essentially, hermeneutics involves cultivating the ability to understand things from somebody else's point of view, and to appreciate the cultural and social forces that may have influenced their outlook. Hermeneutics is the process of applying this understanding to interpreting the meaning of written texts and symbolic artifacts (such as art or sculpture or architecture), which may be either historic or contemporary," ("Hermeneutics" p.1). Throughout the course of time, history has played an important role in the creation of some of the greatest works of literary art that have survived the ages. "In the last two millennia, the scope of hermeneutics has expanded to include the investigation and interpretation not only of oral, textual and artistic works, but of human behaviour generally, including language and patterns of speech, social institutions, and ritual behaviours (such as religious ceremonies, political rallies, football matches, rock concerts, etc.). Hermeneutics interprets or inquires into the meaning and import of these phenomena, through understanding the point of view and 'inner life' (Dilthey) of an insider, or the first-person perspective of an engaged participant in these phenomena," ("Hermeneutics" p.1). As they set out to create their work, the author uses their understanding of the material to set forth a creation of literary discovery that seeks to aid in furthering greater study on a wide variety of subject matter, whatever the subject may be. In the case of the bible, "In the history of interpretation the rise of the historical-critical method opened a new era. With it, new possibilities for understanding the biblical word in its originality opened up. Just as with all human endeavor, though, so also this method contained hidden dangers along with its positive possibilities. The search for the original can lead to putting the word back into the past completely so that it is no longer taken in its actuality. It can result that only the human dimension of the word appears as real, while the genuine author, God, is removed from the reach of a method which was established for understanding human reality," ("Interpretation" p.1). The source goes on to discuss that, "Accordingly, the text of the document inquires into how the meaning of Scripture might become known-this meaning in which the human word and God's word work together in the singularity of historical events and the eternity of the everlasting Word, which is contemporary in every age. The biblical word comes from a real past. It comes not only from the past, however, but at the same time from the eternity of God and it leads us into God's eternity, but again along the way through time, to which the past,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Wind and Solar Energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Wind and Solar Energy - Essay Example Hence, they both need a storage mechanism to store the excess power obtained when the wind and the sun are available. Usually, the storage mechanism is a battery system, like the lithium-ion batteries. Nevertheless, differences exist between these two energy sources. Availability of the two power sources brings about a difference between them. The difference is that, solar power is only available during the day. On the other hand, wind power can be available throughout the day for as long as he wind is blowing. The methods of obtaining the two also differs in that; wind power is obtained mechanically with the aid of turbines while solar power is obtained through solar panels that convert sunlight to electricity. The differences and similarities given show that, renewable energy is feasible and it can be used to build green economies worldwide. It provides man with diverse means to obtain energy. The two renewable energy sources complement each other and can be used to provide energy in diverse weather

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Thinking Through Religions 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Thinking Through Religions 3 - Essay Example In â€Å"Nonsense† Watts also highlights a more theological meaning of life by indicating that according to a number of various theologies, we as humans are created for the pleasure of God and that the true meaning of life according to some theistic religions is God (Watts,66-70). Why is this Important? This is fundamentally important as Watts is seen to attempt to critically highlight some of the more predominant concerns pertaining towards the establishment of what is the true meaning of life. By providing several different answers to the question, Watts is seen to try and tackle the question from a number of different angle as he attempts each of us establish the meaning of life. An Understanding of how Joseph Campbell Explains the Role of Clowns in Religion According to Campbell, clown religions and clowns are especially. The use of clowns in numerous Celtic and Germanic myths essentially serves to show that although the outward appearance of some of the deities as represe nted by some clown figures might be marred and of a rather grotesque nature, we should always endeavor to look through the often very funny exterior forms and find the ultimate image. By adopting this approach, we can essentially learn to disregard the physical appearance of the individuals we meet and understand them better (Campbell and Moyers). Campbell’s view of the role played by clowns essentially fits in with my own views as I always try to obtain a somewhat deeper understanding of persons that I chance to encounter and interact with. By practicing this approach, I have generally managed to become a fundamentally better person having a deeper appreciation for...An example of this instance is seen in the story of the secret of the Lotus flower where Buddha was seen to make his point by holding a golden lotus in his palms while standing before his followers, most of his followers were however unable to understand what exactly Buddha was attempting to say to them and only Mahakasyapa managed to understand what exactly Buddha was attempting to express. Mahakasyapa’s only indication that he had understood the message was a slight smile. In communicating this information it is clearly seen that no words intervened but yet the entire message was clearly understood by Mahakasyapa. This caused Buddha to sufficiently determine that indeed Mahakasyapa was the best individual who could be selected and chosen to succeed him (Smith, 87). In some of the Buddhist sects, the message being given by the teacher is seen to have a somewhat two pronged approach and while most people only understand the surface meaning of the teaching, the more perceptive disciples are able to deeply understand the message and sufficiently decipher its symbolism so as to truly understand its meaning

Monday, August 26, 2019

Teaching Project Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Teaching Project Paper - Essay Example Engaging in violent behaviors increases the risk of death among drug addicts. Another cause of death is deterioration of the users’ health. Continued usage of the substances leads to addiction, which is one of the causes of morbidity among the substance abusing people. Morbidity caused by substance abuse can be categorized into social, psychological and physical. Long-term usage of substances leads to poor social health such as isolation. It makes it difficult for the users to interact with other people in the society by making it difficult for them to create relationships with others. This may result into other health complications such as depression (Nora 1). In addition, it may lead to poor psychological health. Substance abuse has also been associated with other chronic illnesses. For instance, long-term usage of tobacco may cause serious illnesses such as lung cancers. Other illnesses associated with drug addiction are diabetes and cardiovascular illnesses. The poor healt h among the people addicted to substances includes poor eating habits. Since substance addiction changes priority, food become less important compared to the substance. The situation may cause other illnesses associated with poor eating habits. The multiple disorders caused by substance abuse are referred to as co-morbidity (Nora 1). The risk factors associated with substance abuse include availability of the substance and peer influence. Many people start using alcohol because it is readily available. Young adults are also likely to start abusing drugs in order fit in their peer groups. Economic problems also increase the chances of abusing alcohol. Other risk factors include poor management of problems in families. Studies also show that ADHD also increases the risks using drugs among children and adults. It is important to note that mental health disparities are also recorded among the substance users. Individuals who lack

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Stimulate speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Stimulate speech - Essay Example I will be discussing these in detail further. One of the major mistakes that a number of us make is to try and choose the easy way of doing things in a way to avoid hard work. This is not the right attitude and the exact opposite needs to be done to be successful in life. In life the best is for the ones who are willing to work to attain the best. An excellent example of this is the African Gold mines. These mines are quite deep and often range up to two miles deep. People who are willing to invest and put in hard work to construct the mines turn out to be winners in the end. There are a number of challenges that the person might face in the construction of the Gold Mines, however, these mines are so lucrative that in the end, only the people who put in the hard work and commitment will see the fruits. Quoting the words of Oprah Winfrey, â€Å"The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you’re willing to work†. This I believe is an excellent saying and is the perfect to express the importance of Hard Work. I believe that there are two main reasons why a person needs to work hard. Firstly, I believe, hard work is essential to be able to get through the hard and trying times. As very rightly said by Napoleon Hill, â€Å"Do not wait; the time will never be "just right. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along† (Khurana). A person who focuses on what they have and what they can do with it prove to be more successful and in control of their lives than others who complain and don’t try to put in efforts to get a job done. An excellent example, although a fiction, is seen in the movie Iron Man. Tony Stake the hero of the movie, builds Iron Man from scrap and hard work to get out of the place of the enemy. Although I know this is a fiction, but it is a positive aspect to be learnt from the film.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Clinical Case Study- Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemic Syndrome Study

Clinical - Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemic Syndrome - Case Study Example She was accompanied by her daughter. Mrs. L had a three-day history of confusion, lethargy and drowsiness. She complained of thirst for the last one week, drinking more than eight pints of water a day. Upon registration at the ambulance registration desk of the Emergency Department by administrators, Mrs. L was placed in a separate room, within the department for exceptional care. She was intubated and ventilated because of hypoxemia and poor conscious level, after which her fracture was attended to. Examination showed that the patient had a heart rate of 130, body temperature of 38.2 degrees Celsius, blood pressure of 150/80 and fair chest excursion, with loose wheezes, and serum pH of 7.5. Mrs. L was also dehydrated, as evidenced by her dry mucous membranes. Mrs. L’s spO2 reading was 80%. A blood sample was taken for checking. After the Doctor’s check ups, Mrs. L’s blood glucose was diagnosed with excess of 56. 5mmol. Therefore, her blood glucose was elevated. Tests involving Mrs. L’s urine were positive for glucose; however, she took long to pass urine. She was transferred to the resuscitation room to receive specialised care because she was categorised as having life-threatening conditions and injuries. After investigation from her close family member, the accompanying daughter, it was revealed that Mrs. L had fallen while she at the bathroom. That is why she had a fracture femur. Her family history was also significant for diabetes and hypertension. Clinical Manifestations Dehydration Dehydration is the insufficiency in the amount of water in the human body. It is prudent to identify and treat dehydration early enough to prevent further complications (Konrad, Corrigan, Hamilton, Steiger, & Kirby, 2013). This is because mild dehydration is known to cause tension and fatigue (Ganio & Armstrong, 2011). It can also cause lack of focus, according to (Szalavitz), 2012. It was established from clinical tests that Mrs. L had dry lips an d was dizzy, as well as, confused. Mrs. L also had dry mucous membranes. This was enough evidence that the patient was dehydrated. Most of the patients who are dehydrated are normally confused, dizzy, with dry lips and mucous membranes (Campbell, 2011) and (Heit, 2013). It was found out that the patient had complained of thirst for the previous one week, drinking more than eight pints of water a day, from the history of Mrs. L, provided by her daughter. It is healthy to drink lots of water but excessive thirst, and the frequent urge to drink too much water, exhibited by Mrs. L was a sign of dehydration. Finally, the fact that it took long for the patient to pass urine that was required for urine tests was a sign of dehydration. Hyperosomar Hyperglycaemia Syndrome is characterised by hyperglycaemia, extreme dehydration and hyperosmolar plasma (Balasubramaniyam, Palanis, & Rajamani, 2011). Hyperosomar Hyperglycaemia Syndrome is characterised by severe hyperglycaemia. This is a marked increase in serum osmolality and clinical evidence of dehydration, without the accumulation of acetoacetic ketoacids (Venkatraman & Singhi, 2006). Hyperglycaemia results from either an absolute or relative insulin deficiency. It ca also be a result of decreased tissue responsiveness to insulin, which is an increased insulin resistance. This results into gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis, leading into a reduced rate of glucose uptake and utilization by peripheral tissues. A rise in

Friday, August 23, 2019

Critical Thinking and Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Critical Thinking and Ethics - Essay Example This is because the outlook is essential to critical reasoning does not occur or may be poor quality. On the other hand, ethical reasoning equips learners and professionals the knowledge and skills to apply appropriate theories and sculpt in a better ethical framework. Moreover, ethical reasoning help individuals in verdict and resolution making skills assess the result and query inconsistence pushing for rectification (Benner, Hughes & Sutphen, 2008). Critical thinking directly relates to the ethical reasoning; this is because in many professional carriers judgment are sampled in relation to the kind of thinking employed. This takes the lead in achieving to provide quality services to avoid harm. In this regard, critical thinking in the field of medicine can be influenced by information and understanding, employing strategies such as part of learning to categorize the issues and occasion, and holistically manufacture the resource in practice (Benner, Hughes & Sutphen, 2008). For instance, some doctors and police force in the china are deviating from the rules and principles governing critical thinking and ethical reasoning. The police execute the prisoners as their constitution states. However, a few doctors are employed carry the transplant of organs of the executed prison, which are sold. In addition, the doctors completely ignore the principles of ethical reasoning which emphasis on protecting the concepts of wrong and bad (Benner, Hughes & Sutphen, 2008). In addition, Dr. Chan in the surgical department of a restricted military hospital in the Southern China explains how they extract the kidneys. They cut a section of the bone from the lower leg, and the extracted organs are placed in a special liquid, which maintain their freshness before they are taken to kidney patient (Benner, Hughes & Sutphen, 2008). Performing this act is deviating from the moral principles of critical thinking and ethical

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Asian Drama- How do plays 2- 3 plays(you pick) following the Han Research Paper

Asian Drama- How do plays 2- 3 plays(you pick) following the Han Dynasty in China reflect back to Confucianism - Research Paper Example 137). When the Han dynasty replaced the Qin dynasty what came alive was the fundamental question of governmental and social philosophy: is the new dynasty going to resemble the Qin, a legalist dynasty that was purely dedicated to the principle of bureaucracy and moral governance in the state interest and wealth? On the other hand, was it to return to the feudal times experienced in the past, adopting, perhaps, the values of Confucian governance by tradition and virtue? Alternatively, the new dynasty would have offered a more fundamental reaction against the previous dynasty of Qin. The answers that answered these questions were to shape the future of china. Usually, the early Han is referred to the western Han. This is because its capital city, which was the chang’na city, was located in the western part almost in the same location as Qin capital and the western Zhou. The dynasty of Han that was revived ruled from the eastern Zhou capital site of the river Luo, in the Luoyang city. The founder of this Dynasty, the Han dynasty, was born a peasant. The emperor of Qin was thrown into chaos when people started rebelling against it. Despite the fact that the initial rebel, Chen She, was killed just after the rebellion began, his success inspired men who had leadership abilities or local renown to forming their own armies to fight against the Qin dynasty. Among these men who were rebelling, there was the acknowledgement of a young man who was well bred and ruthless who came from a society of aristocracy in the state of Chu. He was called Xiang Yu. He was acknowledged the leading figure in the entire china for a very short time after the Qin dynasty fell. Liu bang, a fellow rebel, competed for primacy during the rebellion against Xiang Yu. It was Liu’s army that fought and led a rebellion against the Qin into its homeland and received the Ziying, who was the heir of Qin, surrender. Since Xiang Yu had superior powers, Liu was

Education reality Essay Example for Free

Education reality Essay Dealism Idealism is the metaphysical and epistemological doctrine that ideas or thoughts make up fundamental reality. Essen? ally, it is any philosophy which argues that the only thing actually knowable is consciousness (or the contents of consciousness), whereas we never can be sure that ma? er or anything in the outside world really exists. Thus, the only real things are mental en es, not physical things (which exist only in the sense that they are perceived) Progressivism Progressivist believes that individuality, progress, and change are fundamental to ones educa? on. Believing that people learn best from what they consider most relevant to their lives, progressivist centers their curricula on the needs, experiences, interests, and abili? es of students. Progressivist teachers try making school interes? ng and useful by planning lessons that provoke curiosity. In a progressivist school, students are ac? vely learning. The students interact with one another and develop social quali? es such as coopera? on and tolerance for dierent points of view. Essen? alism It is an educa? onal philosophy whose adherents believe that children should learn the  tradi? onal basic subjects thoroughly and rigorously. In this philosophical school of thought, the aim is to ins? ll students with the essen? als of academic knowledge, enac? ng a back-to-basics approach. Essen? alism ensures that the accumulated wisdom of our civiliza? on as taught in the tradi? onal academic disciplines is passed on from teacher to student. Such disciplines might include Reading, Wri? ng, Literature, Foreign Languages, History, Mathema? cs, Science, Art, and Music. Moreover, this tradi? onal approach is meant to train the mind, promote reasoning, and  ensure a common culture. Realism Realism, at its simplest and most general, is the view that en es of a certain type have an objec? ve reality, a reality that is completely ontologically independent of our conceptual schemes, linguis? c prac? ces, beliefs, etc. Thus, en es (including abstract concepts and universals as well as more concrete objects) have an existence independent of the act of percep? on, and independent of their names. Reconstruc? onism Social Reconstruc? onism is a philosophy that emphasizes the addressing of social ques? ons and  a quest to create a be? er society and worldwide democracy. Reconstruc? onist educators focus on a curriculum that highlights social reform as the aim of educa? on. Existen? alism It is based on the view that humans de3ne their own meaning in life, and try to make ra? onal decisions despite exis? ng in an irra? onal universe. It focuses on the ques? on of human existence, and the feeling that there is no purpose or explana? on at the core of existence. It holds that, as there is no God or any other transcendent force, the only way to counter this  nothingness (and hence to 3nd meaning in life) is by embracing existence. Pragma? sm Pragma? sm is a rejec? on of the idea that the func? on of thought is to describe, represent, or mirror reality. Instead, pragma? sts consider thought to be a product of the interac? on between organism and environment. Thus, the func? on of thought is as an instrument or tool for predic? on, ac? on, and problem solving. Pragma? sts contend that most philosophical topics— such as the nature of knowledge, language, concepts, meaning, belief, and science—are all best viewed in terms of their prac?  cal uses and successes rather than in terms of representa? ve accuracy Perennialism Believe that one should teach the things that one deems to be of everlas? ng per? nence to all people everywhere. They believe that the most important topics develop a person. Since details of fact change constantly, these cannot be the most important. Therefore, one should teach principles, not facts. Since people are human, one should teach 3rst about humans, not machines or techniques. Since people are people 3rst, and workers second if at all, one should teach liberal topics 3rst, not voca? onal topics.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Causes and consequences of childhood poverty

Causes and consequences of childhood poverty Anyone doing background research into the causes of child poverty will soon learn that parental income is only one of a large network of interrelated factors. To name a few; political, communal, environmental, and societal influences all play a role. As an example consider that; with the ever progressive move from a widespread agricultural, to a more localised industrial society, the number of jobs in many areas has decreased severely. And so the average number of non-educated workmen (or women) has subsequently decreased also. More and more Britains are joining the ranks of the poor each day (roughly 2,000). And with parents out of work and not earning, children will suffer as a result. Every day 1 in every 4 children is born into poverty. (Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 1995) This can lead to a number of consequences in children, which follows with them throughout adolescence and into adulthood. For example, children who grow up in families with a low income are more likely to experience mental health problems, and more likely to develop unhealthily. Greg Duncan found associations between poverty and poor health, cognitive development, behaviour, emotional well being and academic achievement. He also found that pregnant mothers who have insufficient resources such as food and warmth are 1.7 times more likely to give birth to a low weight baby, that child is then 2 times more likely to drop out of school, and 3.1 times more likely have an out of wed-lock birth (Duncan 1997). Although short term poverty can be overcome and the effects are reversible, long term poverty can be destructive on a childs life. Duncan found that children who had experienced 4-5 years of their early years of life in poverty, achieved a full 9 year decline on intelligence test scores compared to children from healthy backgrounds (Duncan 1997). The standards of living associated with children from poor families can have a negative effect on their health. For example, they are more vulnerable to asthma due to poor ventilation, as well as pneumonia due to poor insulation. Interestingly, they are also more vulnerable to developing obesity since a high carbohydrate, processed diet is the cheaper option. Those children are often excluded from participating in social activities, through both financial disadvantages as well as feeling the pressure of social stigma which can develop from having to dress inappropriately, or through receiving charity food, books, furniture and other necessities. It leads to a loss of self esteem, can be de-motivating, leads to less elevation after the simplest of pleasures, and poor ability to cope with stressful situations. Not only are they more likely to develop psychological problems as a result, these effects last longer than in those who are well off. And this leads to a vicious cycle of depression, leading to increased likelihood of a stressful event, leading to further depression. In Novaks (1995) view, this can lead to long term, irreversible changes in personality, such as; self defeatist attitudes, hopelessness, helplessness, low motivation, low drive, bitterness, aggressiveness and anti social personality disorder. Children with the latter are seen to be impulsive, have high sensation seeking, but without sense of morals or justice. It is often associated with young offenders, school drop outs, and those serving long term sentences. For these reasons, it is necessary for social workers; to get into family homes, assess their state of living, their needs, risk factors, problems, difficulties and anything else that is helpful for them to make an accurate evaluation, and to give them a better understanding. Late interventions can be damaging, for the longer things are kept untreated the harder they are to change. It is important that children are given opportunities in life to maximise their potential and make a contribution to society. Without the proper gui dance and support, they are likely to sink further and further. So it is clear that help is required. There has long been argument that to tackle poverty, social work (SW) would do best to position itself in and against the state. Workers are known to follow law, policy, the rules and regulations of agencies etc, whilst at the same time assuming a flexible role in relation to the safeguarding and supporting of individuals and families. (Bailey and Brake, 1975; Corrigan and Leonard, 1978; Bolger et al., 1981; Becker and MacPherson, 1988; Adams et al., 1998) Childhood poverty holds great relevance for social workers for it defines their very existence. If the role of social workers is to promote well being in the community, and to help young individuals achieve their potential and to function in society, then those in poverty will be the people who need help most. The Poverty and Social Exclusion Survey (PSE Survey, Joseph Rowntree Foundation 1999), which collected a number of individuals portraying an average society, found that 28% of the population were in poverty. Each of them were presented with 52 cards, each revealing an object or activity, such as central heating, a computer, going to the cinema. They were instructed to form two piles; one for items they believed were vital for living, the other for those which were not. For all those items where the majority voted them to be vital, researchers concluded that every person should have at least these in their lives. Social workers may use this as a base line when assessing families, and when children lack any (or all) of these so called necessities (i.e. are in poverty) then help should be provided; for without it, children will likely grow up depressed, suicidal or conversely, aggressive and violent. Children are vulnerable to feelings of hopelessness due to this lack of necessities.A build up of long term worries accompanying a loss of control combined with a sense of dependence, is likely to lead to distress. Chronic anxiety and even depression is not uncommon, which can be exacerbated by an oppressive society. Children from poorer backgrounds are well recognised as they are the ones who do not go on school trips, may dress differently to the rest, not have the correct equipment in lessons, have a more definable smell (not a pleasant one) etc. For those who spend time with such children it is likely they will be excluded from social groups as a result; for they become associated with the outsider and so they themselves are now too an outsider. Society recognises and treats differently any person (adults too) who stands out for whatever reason good or bad. Of course they are no different from the next person; however it is because others see them as different that they are made to feel paranoid. Paranoid that wherever they are people are staring at them, talking about them, thinking all sorts of thoughts. It is enough to cause any child, adult, man or woman huge distress and can affect their ability to be trusting around complete strangers. Constantly obsessing over ones situation will inevitably drain a child of their strength and make them feel weak, which subsequently will increase the level of stress felt. Here can be seen a vicious cycle, one which is hard to recover from without the appropriate help. Furthermore, it is often the case that parents are made to feel just as bad, if not worse. The negativity that radiates off of a child is bound to have implications, especially when he/she cannot have things that all their friends can. Parents have failed as providers and this can lead to a loss of motivation and of despair. So, childhood poverty causes a knock on effect for the rest of the family, and therefore makes it more probable they will seek social services aid. For example, schoolyard bullying can decrease a childs self esteem and affect their ability to form secure, long term relationships. This can lead to turmoil between parents and children, for parents will feel they have lost family connections. As a result, they become depressed and will seek guidance in parenting techniques. Another example would be a child whose parent cannot afford to buy them nice things such as clothes, toys or school equipment. Daily exposure to those who do have such possessions is likely to cause the child jealousy and envy; both at those children who take luxuries for granted, and also at their parents for not being able to provide. Because of the psychological issues that this can lead to, it is likely the child grows up with a desire to steal, spawned from a lifetime of unfulfilment. If they however, grow up with certain morals and choose not to steal, it is still possible that they resort to drugs/and or alcohol as a means of coping. Coping with the consuming hatred and loathe of society that has become them. Families in poverty are less able to provide for themselves, and so there is large chance that children will have to be taken away into care. Thus, a great deal of social workers time is spent within and around those in poverty (Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 1995; Becker 1997; Smale et. al. 2000; Social Exclusion Unit, 2004). Childhood poverty can lead to severe ramifications, both physical and mental, some of which people recover from in time while others can be long lasting. It is considered the universal belief poverty is as much a cause as well as an effect of mental health problems (Langner Michael, 1963). Evidence for this comes from impoverished families from lower class areas. Not only are these areas receiving low government funding they also have little support from neighbouring councils; research shows that these areas have the largest number of children with mental health problems (Department of Health, 1999b). It is clear that the linearity between poverty and wellbeing is long winded. Two possible theories however have met support, both social causation (breeder) (SC) and social selection (drift) (SS). SS describes how the accumulation of adolescents suffering mental issues, who live in poor areas, is the result of a continuous drifting towards the lower spectrum of education and while losing contact with social networks. In contrast, SC describes how a neglected socio-economic climate can have negative consequences on childhood well being to start with. From this it is to be concluded that: poor children have lifelong experience living in high risk areas, risk defined as: high chance of unemployment, growing up to rely on benefits, of teenage pregnancies, families separated, crime, street violence, rape, vandalism, malnutrition, obesity etc. Those at high risk are more likely to experience mental problems because their minds are already overburdened with every day worry. Furthermore, those at high risk are less likely to be treated for their illness because the local medical facilities are of low quality, have fewer staff and are constantly over worked. Child poverty therefore starts within neglected communities and leads to a number of psychological issues. A further difficulty is that the increase in mentally disturbed individuals can further exacerbate the ability to cope in others. That is, exposure to stressors causes stress, therefore numbers are constantly rising. There is large evidence for a correlation between low income and lack of support, and increased probability of contracting mood disorder. According to SC, the most contributory factor is the mental strain which results from all those issues associated with poverty so far mentioned, for example misfortune or wretchedness, death or separation within the family. While SS explains those born with a predisposition towards developing mood disorders will drift to such low stances, and be unable to crawl back upwards (Jarvis, 1971). Researchers found that when children were taken from their homes and placed into the care of middle class families then the number of those children who subsequently developed mood, or any other form of mental disorder subsequently reduced. This proves that economic status (ES) is an important factor, however it is likely to be the case ES leads to numerous other contributing factors rather than being sole contributor (Bruce Hoff, 1994). Factors include; access to a good education, support from extended family members, healthy living and nourishment, praise and encouragement from parents, etc. I spoke of psychological issues that rise from deprivation. It is a sad fact that children in poverty are often the topic of conversation among others. They are ridiculed, gossiped about, and excluded from social gatherings and out of school activities. It is as if the impoverished are viewed as if they have the plague. Common descriptions, taken from national surveys include words such as lazy, worthless, inferior, and undeserving. This misconception of the poor being the cause for their own predicament, not only removes any possible blame from neglected political responsibilities (which contribute largely), but also creates what psychologists termed a self fulfilling prophecy. This theory is based on the belief that beliefs shape and influence actions. By this one means; those who are seen as inferior are likely to be treated as inferior. So much so that they actually become inferior because of the lack of social support available. Children are particularly vulnerable to the influe nce of their social networks, because they are still developing and creating identities for themselves. The idea of a looking glass self is of relevance here also (Cooley 1902), which theorises that childrens self concepts are based on what others portray. There is high chance that their actual and their perceived self identity become misconstrued, if and when evidence from external sources supports the latter. They familiarise with the concept that they are weak individuals, and the negative emotions that accompany this such as self doubt, or guilt. It is important to recognise the relevance here for social workers, because this part of society categorised as lower class citizens will benefit the most from services such as child support, child therapy, connexions, EMA, every child matters and so on. And so in response to all this, SW agencies have implemented numerous partnership schemes; the women, infant and children (WIC) nutrition programme for example, which is designed to get pregnant women and children under 5 eating more healthily, Head Start provides low cost day care to children from families earning less than the 60% threshold of the average family, and many areas now even have schemes to provide low cost/free health insurance for children of all ages. It is up to the SW to assess families/individuals and to determine their eligibility for government aid. For those who are suffering from mental health as a result of poverty, SWs are able to put them in touch with professionals who can help and advise. For those who have very few or none of the necessities from the PSE Survey SWs can organise for clubs where the children can go meet peers and to join in social activities. For parents who have racked up a series of debt SWs are able to help them devise a set of preliminary steps in a certain time period resulting in a more secure financial situation (See Task Centred Practice). Clients often give off negative reviews of SW because it has failed to be of any use with real concerns; state of housing, living, etc. But task centred practice can actually be therapeutic, because it is the client who becomes the changing agent, deciding which problems they want to tackle and in what order. By using this, service providers are employing a learning experience. One which relies on both self growth and skills development, whilst addressing the more important issues. But what issues should the SW investigate first? It would be a logical idea to get right back to the start and look at what caused the families decline into poverty. Here lies a problem however, for there are different theories on what the main area of focus should be; some theories blame the individual while others focus on the failings of society. Because of this conflict in ideas it can prove difficult for SWs to accurately make assessments, or come to an agreement with each other when conducting a review. Below are a number of theories on the causes of poverty, to give an idea of these so mentioned conflicts. Firstly, explanations can be fit into three main areas; functionalist, individualistic, and Structural (Marxist). So to start, functionalists focus on the idea that any form of poverty, be it adult, child or both, proves necessary, for without it society would not govern properly. Naturally such a statement has spawned a great deal of controversy; however the theory is conceivable because it is based on logistics. Society is viewed on a grander scale than simply the here and now. And so by applying somewhat of a utilitarianistic approach, rather than considering individuals, it looks at the whole picture. Philosophers such as Herbert Gans (1971) have made contributions to this, suggesting that poverty benefits the non poor and also the rich and powerful, who therefore have a vested interest in maintaining poverty. He further suggested 5 reasons why he believed poverty is acceptable. There will always be a need for individuals to fit the jobs seen as dirty, demeaning, and without prospects. Those in poverty would rather do these than starve. Those born into poverty will grow up to replace their parents and so the cycle continues. Industries require minimum wage (or lower) work staff in order to maintain profit margins. Those in poverty are generally of low/no qualification status and so are not liable to receive higher pay. Those born into poverty generally receive poorer education than most and so are just as unlikely to receive desirable qualifications as did their parents. Without poverty, there would be a loss of jobs for those individuals who strive to combat poverty, such as social workers. A large proportion of social work revolves around work with children, so if all child poverty was resolved then many social workers would find it is they who are in need of support. Furthermore, it would also reduce the profits of wholesalers who rely on the desperation of those in poverty. Children often find there is little in the form of food at home, and so any money they have goes towards buying whatever is cheapest from stores. Poverty provides a measure of comparison for those of low opinion of their situation, and works to reassure them that there will always be people worse off than they themselves. This is true for all age groups. The media uses those in poverty as scapegoats whenever anything goes wrong in society, such as incidents of crime, rape or violence. With no one to speak out for them, the blame resides. Children are seen as vandals, and so by putting the blame on them the media is protecting societies own mistakes. Gans makes it clear that he does support poverty; he states that Phenomena like poverty can be eliminated only when they become dysfunctional for the affluent or powerful, or when the powerless can obtain enough power to change society. From looking at this, one may conclude that the reason for child poverty is because people are allowing it to happen in the first place. An increasing number of adult workers are being rid of the opportunity to earn a stable income, and so their families will suffer as a consequence. Although this not explain what the actual cause is, it does give us an understanding of why child poverty has become such a widespread issue, and why not more has been done to prevent it. Individualists are of the opinion that people are responsible for their circumstances, and have devised several theories of their own. Firstly is the idea of culture, which draws from the research of Oscar Lewis (1966) on Puerto Rican and Mexican families. He acknowledged that children are brought up to appreciate certain values, which they identify with themselves and in time teach their own offspring thus continuing the cycle. And so for those families in poverty, who have low self esteem, motivation, a sense of helplessness etc, they will pass on their negative attitudes through each generation. They will also pass on (through learning and modelling) their negative behaviours, such as drinking, violence, staying at home and not finding work, adultery, divorce, etc. And so this creates a culture of poverty, the fundamental cause being family (specifically parental) influences on their children. Lewis has been challenged because he does not offer a suggestion as to what causes poverty to begin with. Furthermore, it was suggested that children in poverty are no different in terms of beliefs, values, or personalities than those from middle or upper class families. The differences there are, are between income, opportunities for skills, learning and development. And so the alternative suggestion is that the so called culture of poverty is a result of responses of living that parents bring to their children. Secondly is the idea of a cycle of deprivation, which is based on the works of Sir Keith Joseph (1970). He suggested that the causes of poverty stem beyond social status, and move into the domain of family problems. By this Sir Keith was referring to, for example cognitive skills, social skills, personality, health and development, etc. Now consider human relationships, what attracts people? More often than not we search for those who hold similarities to ourselves. Therefore, children in poverty, with their existing family problems, will grow up to form relationships with those who similarly have grown up in poverty and have their own family problems. The resulting offspring from such couples will inevitably follow the same patterns of development and hold similar preferences once they reach adulthood themselves. And so the cycle is endless. Child poverty results from both parents growing up in a relatively similar way. Sir Keith has been challenged just like Lewis, for not explaining how poverty actually starts, but also because it was suggested that not all children end up like their parents, and a number of them can in fact escape the cycle. Opportunities may arise for children that did not arise for their parents, they may form relationships with different kinds of people, or they may show a compassion for achieving that, although did not come from either parent, was just good fortune. And finally is the concept of underclass, which Jones and Novak(1999) describe as a brutal victim-blaming theory. They went on to write how poverty is caused by peoples behaviours and not their circumstances. For example there are many who go through periods of unemployment, are made redundant from current jobs, or who lose money due to household repairs, hospital bills, child support, etc. But of those people, not all of them sink into deprivation, the majority pick themselves up and go on to find something else, or look for support from friends and family until something comes along. Novak and Jones saw the problem to be those who come to rely on income support as a way of living. They were even more so concerned with the children who grow up in impoverished families, learning destructive values and beliefs and growing up to become delinquents. For these, poverty will continue across generations to come. Arguments against the underclass concept revolve around the fact that it negates consideration of structural factors as a cause of poverty, and the lack of evidence to support any of the suggestions made. Despite the criticisms to Individualistic theories, they still hold a high power in modern society. Politicians like Tony Blair for example have stated: This cycle of deprivation is bad for everyone. But it is particularly unfair for children who miss out on opportunities because they inherit the disadvantage faced by their parents, so their life chances are determined by where they come from rather than who they are. The final theory looks at structural explanations for child poverty, primarily directed at the economic standards for any area, child development services on offer, and various other components which form the foundations for living. Supporters of this view takes a Marxist approach; that a class system is necessary, for those at the higher end rely on those at the lower end to provide them with work staff, who they exploit and employ on menial wages. And so there will always be poverty, well at least until capitalism is defeated. Or when society moves towards equality of all its members irrespective of their situation and/or upbringing. Such a concept seems unlikely, as it lacks a sense of fairness to those who see themselves as more deserving. Although it is a misconception that those people in poverty have brought it upon themselves, there is a grain of truth in the matter. The actuality is that those well off have earned it, through hard work and good business sense, while many of those in poverty never managed to do well in school, missed out on opportunities, and failed to achieve. Child poverty results from a continuation of generations of un-achievers, and so there will always be able bodies to recruit into the unprofessional workforce. Marxists go on further to suggest that SW is another of lifes necessities, because social workers ensure that poverty is kept stable. They argue that SW does not aim to cure poverty, nor does it aim to remove people from their impoverished lives. Rather, SW looks to protect the well being of individuals and keeps them from distressing and becoming incapable of work. To do this, workers take service users focus away from blaming the system, and persuade them to look at faults of their own, their shortcomings and their failures. By doing this, SW manages to halt any challenge to the system that individuals may pose such as groups forming who speak out against the oppressors. In conclusion, there are numerous causes for child poverty, but at its roots the government has stated that worklessness is their primary concern, which interacts alongside with family dysfunction, neglect and insecure attachments, low quality day-care and schooling, and state of neighbourhood. With fewer work opportunities more people are having to settle for meagre salaries until something better comes along (which it wont). There is also an increase in the number of single parents, due to increases in death rates and divorce among the poor. With only one source of income, and a loss of support when it comes to raising children, single parents are forced to depend on income support. As a result, they will never manage to find their way out of poverty. References Bailey and Brake, Corrigan and Leonard, Bolger, Becker and MacPherson, Adams, The British Journal of Social Work; Poverty and Social Justice, Oxford Journals, 1975, 1978, 1981, 1988, 1998. Blair, T. Breaking the Cycle: Taking stock of progress and priorities for the future; A Report by the Social Exclusion Unit. The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister; London. ODPM publications, 2004. Bruce, M. L. Hoff, R. A. Social and physical health risk factors for first-onset major depressive disorder in a community sample. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 29, 165-171, 1994 Cooley, C. Human Nature and the Social Order, New York: Charles Scribners Sons, revised edn, 1922 Denham, A. Garnett, M. From the cycle of enrichment to the cycle of deprivation: Sir Keith Joseph, problem families and the transmission of disadvantage. Policy Press; Benefits, Volume 10,Number 3, pp. 193-198(6), 1 October 2002 Department of Health Saving Lives: Our Healthier Nation. London: Stationery Office, 1999b Duncan, G. J. Brooks-Gunn, J. Consequences of Growing Up Poor. New York: Russell Sage, 1997 Gans, H. The Uses of Poverty: The Poor Pay All, Social Policy: pp20-24, July/ August 1971 Jarvis, E. (1971) Insanity and Idiosy in Massachusetts: Report of the Commission of Lunacy, 1855. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1971 Jones, C and Novak, T. Poverty, welfare and the disciplinary state. London: Routledge, 1999 Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Inquiry into income and wealth. Volumes 1 and 2. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 1995 Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Becker, Smale, Social Exclusion Unit, Sociology and Social Work; Poverty and Social Work Service Users, Learning Matters, 1995, 1997, 2000, 2004. Langner, T. S. Michael, S. T. Life Stress and Mental Health. London: Collier-Macmillan, 1963 Lewis, O. The Children of Sanchez. New York: Random House, 1967. Novak, T. Critical Social Policy; Rethinking Poverty. Vol 15, Sage Journals, 1995 The PSE survey, Joseph Rowntree Foundation,

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

An analysis of Process costing vs. job order costing

An analysis of Process costing vs. job order costing Introduction Management accounting uses several costing techniques. Costing techniques are very important to the business management because they help them make sound decisions for the company. They also help companies keep track of the costs that they incur in the production process. The techniques are mainly for internal use apart from absorption costing which is used by external users like the shareholders and the creditors. This paper analyses the process costing techniques and compares it with job order costing. It gives reasons as to why SAC Company should use job order costing rather than process costing (Bradford, 2008). Process Costing This is a costing technique that is used in finding costs in homogenous or products that are uniform. This technique makes averages of costs for all units to make per unit costs. Work in process account is used to track the process costs. Through this system, a continuous manufacturing process is used to produce identical goods (Bradford, 2008). Computation Procedures for Process Costing Manufacturing costs are accumulated for a period of time. It also works out the average costs of manufacturing. This being a continuous process, there is need for order (Bradford, 2008). The following are the steps that are followed in the calculation of manufacturing costs through process costing: Units physical flow: this is accounted for by the use of starting inventory, current or used inventory and the inventory at the end of the financial period. Production of equivalent units: the units that are equivalent during production are found by multiplying the units that are accounted for by the completion percentage for reach category of costs (Costing. (n.d.). Accounted for costs: these costs are identified during each production period for each cost category. They include the inventory at the starting of the period and the inventory used in the current production period. Per unit cost: for each equivalent unit poof production, costs are calculated through the division of the costs to be accounted for by the produced equivalent units. The allocation for each category of the cots is done for total costs that are to be accounted for. This is possible through the multiplication of the equivalent produced units and the cost per produced equivalent cost (Bradford, 2008). Methodology Process costing follows the following method in finding the total costs used in the production process. The two main methods used in process costing are weighted averages and FIFO methods. Weighted Average Method: The main method used is the use of weighted average to compute the costs of output. The average cost computed is comprised of is weighted average cost from both the opening inventory and the current inventory. The following steps are necessary: There is a physical flow of units since this weighted average method doesnt separate the staring inventory from the current and the closing inventory. This weighted average technique computes the units that are equivalent and it fails to separate the percentage of produced units in previous period from these units produced currently (Costing. (n.d.). Unit costs in the starting inventory are not separated from the unit costs for inventory incurred in the current period in the calculation of costs to be accounted for. To compute per equivalent unit cost, the total costs to be accounted for are divided by the equivalent total units of production. In the calculation of the cots to be accounted for total equivalent units accounted for, the weighted average method doesnt separate costs of starting inventory from costs of inventory in the current period (Costing. (n.d.). FIFO: this method, in computation of costs, separates costs for the current period from the costs of the starting inventory. The following steps are used: This method separates the current inventory from the inventory of previous period in the computation of continuous flow of units (Costing. (n.d.). The percentage of production units in the previous periods is separated from the percentage of units produced in the current period during the calculation of produced equivalent units. In the identification of the costs to be accounted for, the FIFO methodology separates the opening inventory units from the cost of eventual units that are added to the current period (Costing. (n.d.). In the calculation of per equivalent unit cost, this FIFO methodology divides the current accountable for units by the current produced equivalent. This method in the calculation of current costs that accounted for separates the costs that added to production in the current period from the costs of opening inventory. Application of Process Costing This costing technique is appropriately used when the products of manufacture are homogenous or they are identical. This methodology is differentiated from job order costing in the cost finding process. While job order costing is best used in the finding of per unit costs, this method finds the total average costs of production over a certain period of time (Bradford, 2008). Advantages of Process Costing This method has the following advantages; Process costing is best used for manufacturing industries that perform general manufacturing processing. Disadvantages of process costing This type of costing technique is not appropriate with those organizations that have jobs and batches. Job Order Costing This is a costing technique that accumulates costs for different types of jobs. The jobs are categorized into batches. For a batch to be considered as a separate job it has to be differentiated. If the batches are identical then process costing will have to be used. As per customers specifications, different individual jobs are produced. Job Order Costing Procedures There are accumulated costs for manufacturing for each separate job. This is done by the use of different ledger accounts. The procedures to be followed are as specified below; The process s initiated by the customer placing a sales order for the batch of products. The sales order is translated into a production order. This is followed by the ordering of the materials and the labor that sis to be used in the production of the batch. The materials are tracked for the batch (Bradford, 2008). The relevant manufacturing overhead for the job is done by the use of a rate that is predetermined. This is usually done per the hours of labor or per the hours that the machines work (Bradford, 2008). The work in progress account is changed to a control account and is thus not affected by the allocated manufacturing overheads. The spoilage that is abnormal (i.e. spoilage above the expected rates) is reclassified from the work in progress account the period costs. This makes it possible for the management to address the cost of abnormal spoilage (Bradford, 2008). The actual amounts of labor and material incurred are used by the accountant to charge the direct labor and materials to work in progress. The use of a job costing sheet is used to track these amounts of labor and material. This sheet is usually in a format that is computerized and each account has a subsidiary ledger (Bradford, 2008). Applications of Job Order Costing The application of job order costing is wide and varied. It is used by many companies in tracking costs. It is mainly used by the industries that produce and sell goods in batches. Unlike companies that do general manufacturing, this technique is effective in companies that manufacture products in batches (Bradford, 2008). Advantages of Job Order Costing This technique readily avails to the management the various cists in relation to the individual batches or jobs. Though this, an analysis can be made to show how and why the cost was incurred. The management gets to know the problems with the various allocations of costs and improve on it in future (Accountingformanagement, 2010). Though job costing, on going results that are for each job can be yielded. The costs incurred can be added even before the job is finished. This is helpful for the company since it enables the accounting staff of the company to access costs of jobs hence monitoring them. It enables the company to be in a position to analyze costs for longer jobs hence room for adjustment (Accountingformanagement, 2010). Disadvantages of job costing technique This costing technique is not relevant in some environments like the software industry which has no direct costs but many development costs. Job order costing will not be of help recording such costs. This costing technique has its main focus as primary products. Departments and activities are not dealt with. This is a problem because the management of a company is left with inadequate information (Accountingformanagement 2010). Application of Job Order Costing to SAC SAC has switched the mode of manufacturing goods. It now manufactures spark plugs. The company could get various purchase orders from different organizations and companies. These are sale orders that SAC can transform into batches and start processing the plugs. These form different jobs. It will be costly for SAC to continue using process costing because costs can not be traced to different costs or batches. Therefore I highly recommend SAC to use job process costing in its cost analysis because of the new mode of manufacturing spark plugs. Conclusion Management accounting uses various costing techniques to perform its tasks of costs analysis. Process costing and job order costing are two types of costing techniques that are have a similarity that they both analyze the costs that are incurred by the organization. Though these methods can be used to analyze costs, they differ in their approach to the analysis. Process costing uses both weighted average methods while job order uses the sale orders placed as batches or jobs for costs analysis. Also while process costing is good for companies that do general manufacturing, job costing is good for companies that manufacture based on batches.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Nudity and Sex in Advertising :: Advertising Advertisements Media Essays

Nudity and Sex in Advertising I have chosen to research and write about the controversy of nudity and sex in advertising in the United States of America. Many people oppose advertising that uses sex and nudity to sell products, while others believe that there is nothing wrong with sex or nudity displayed in adverting. For my final research paper I have chosen to argue with the side that believes it is okay to advertise usually nudity and sex. Countries in Europe use full frontal nudity and sex to sell products all the time and not as many people are offended by the advertisements compared to people in America. I will be discussing why Americans view these advertisements different than Europeans and why with out these advertisements they are making the situation worse. The topic of nudity and sex in advertising is important to all television viewers because if nudity and sex are banned from advertising, what will be banned next. Any thing could be banned with the support of a enough people, so we have to draw a line somewhere. I believe that hopefully my research and conclusions will help change the minds of at least a few people and maybe even start a revolution to allow nudity and sex in advertising. Maybe no one will read my paper or change there minds about the topic, but at least I can say that I tried and gave it my best. I hope though to become more knowledgeable about the topic for later encounters with this controversy. Virgin Mobile has decided to move away from nudity in their campaigns and move more to conservative advertisements. They believe that the change will indeed change them from â€Å"sinners to saints.† Their old ads had nude women wearing only a clear cell phone box where now the ads will contain teenagers talking to religious figures such as priests, monks, and rabbis. They decided to make the change with all the pressure advertising and the media has been getting from showing sex and nudity. I will be using this article in my paper that condemns using nudity and sex in advertising and the media. It will help me show even companies are actually listening to their viewers and in the end changing their advertisements. Word count: 123 Cuneo, Alice Z.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Book That Really Did Change My Life Essay -- How Education Has Chan

Periodically while surfing the internet I encounter a page entitled "Books That Changed My Life", with a list of books that purportedly changed the life of the author. I am always irritated by these pages, because I never see any evidence that the books had actually changed the life of the author. In fact, for most of these pages a more appropriate title would have been "Books that I really, really liked a lot." Occasionally, it might have been called "Books that influenced my thinking," but I'm reluctant to refer to that as having changed one's life. I suppose I am irritated because I have my own list of books, and each one of them had effected a concrete, specific change in my life. It's not very long--maybe three books--but even that fact is interesting, since it shows how difficult it is for a book to change a reader, and consequently when it happens it is something worth pondering. How to Read a Book, by Mortimer Adler and Charles ... how valuable those sessions were to me. They gave me the opportunity to apply his techniques diligently, enough for them to become habits, and to writings that were good enough to stand up under that kind of scrutiny. Nowadays I don't always apply the techniques; most books simply aren't worth the effort. But when I stumble onto something worthwhile, a pencil will magically appear in my hand and I will begin analyzing it before I'm aware of what I'm doing.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Macbeth Contextualize Analyze And Personalize

He felt like maybe he shouldn't have done what he did. Lastly, Machete's psychological state is that he is feeling suspicious about how Duncan and Banquet are acting. Analyze- In this scene , something that is revealed is that Macbeth immediately realizes that the fulfillment of the prediction may require conspiracy and murder on his part. One thing that Machete's words in this scene mean to me is that things can be good but also be terribly bad at the same time.Also, life can be hard at times, but you have to push through it the best you can. You can't let the bad things overtake the good in life. Think the most important words in this aside are when Macbeth says he is Thane of Castor. These are the most important words because even though some people may not want him to be king there isn't anything they can do about it for it to change. Personalize- My reaction to these lines are that there is a lot of defense coming from Macbeth, like he is lining guilty or ashamed about being kin g.I feel like Macbeth is trying to get a point across to Banquet, that he knows Banquet wants to be king but he will never feel the joy that Macbeth feels. Banquet will never have the power of being king. The way would deal with the situation would most likely be the same way Macbeth did. He seemed very calm about it. He didn't really get violent, he just stated that he was King, and there's no way to change it.

Charles Lamb “Thoughtless Cruelty” Essay

Most people, at some point of their lives, have tortured inferior insects whether it be pulling the wings off a fly or crushing an ant. In the poem â€Å"Thoughtless Cruelty† by Charles Lamb the reader can see that the author is indeed angry about such a thing. The author uses the poetic devices such as diction, rhyme, and detail to describe his attitude toward those who perform such â€Å"Thoughtless Cruelty†. The author first directs his attention to â€Å"Robert† that has â€Å"kill’d that fly†. The author then says the man was â€Å"devoid Of thought and sense† to have killed the fly. Here, the author is implying that â€Å"Robert† must have been stupid for killing the innocent creature. The author goes on talking about natural death as a bird â€Å"devours† it or a â€Å"cold blast in the night† will take its life. By describing the natural causes of the insect’s death, Lamb sympathizes for the creature because of its unnatural death. Lamb continues discussing that pain exists in even â€Å"The greatest being†, and even the â€Å"smallest ones possess† the feeling of death and pain experienced before. The author goes on with more detail in the piece about the crude humor in the creature’s horrible death. Lamb explains, â€Å"The life you’ve taken to supply, You could not do it† that the life â€Å"Robert† has taken cannot be restored, no matter how hard he tries. The author tries to make â€Å"Robert† feel guilty by enlightening him, â€Å"A thing which no way you annoy’d – You’ll one day rue it†, suggesting that one day he will realize his cruelty and morn the death of the fly. â€Å"The bird but seeks his proper food†¦ May just take [its life]†. Here Lamb goes into more detail about the natural death the fly may have experienced. â€Å"A life by Nature made so short, Less reason is that you for sport Should shorter make it.† Lamb again tries to weigh more guilt upon â€Å"Robert†. â€Å"Although their frame and structure less Escape our seeing,† they still experience pain and its horrors. Though the rhyme scheme of AAAB, Charles Lamb starts to use the poetic device of rhyme to also express his attitude. In the first stanza, he talks about how â€Å"Robert, killed that â€Å"fly†, but not matter how hard he may â€Å"try† to â€Å"supply† the life he has taken, he could never â€Å"do it†. In the second  stanza Lamb writes that â€Å"Robert† must have been â€Å"devoid† of thinking to have â€Å"destroy’d† the fly that he never â€Å"annoy’d†, and will one day â€Å"rue it†, expressing negativity by sympathizing for the innocent creature. The author then goes into the natural death by illustrating the bird seeking its â€Å"food†, that fate whose power â€Å"endu’d† the fly thinks the time is â€Å"good† will take â€Å"it†. Finally, the author fully expresses himself when he explains the pain â€Å"The greatest being† can have with its â€Å"flesh † that even the fly may â€Å"possess†, small and structure â€Å"less† may escape our â€Å"seeing†. All in all, the author uses many poetic devices such as diction, detail, and rhyme to express his attitude toward, what seems tragic to the author, event. Even the title â€Å"Thoughtless Cruelty† expresses the authors feelings. Things may be different now, when you see a fly, pulling the wings off a fly may not seem the same.